ART – MEDIA – FILM Foundation was established in 2013. It actively works in the fields of culture, arts and media. The Foundation supports projects that shape European identity and contribute to building social capital. It specialises in making analyses and diagnoses, as well as developing strategies to cater for the needs of the abovementioned sectors and formulating reflection and recommendation that will serve both Polish and European culture.
The three pillars in the name correspond to the groups of projects which we concentrate our activities on. The Foundation’s aim in the field of art is to support cultural development, especially in the sphere of high culture, initiating and nurturing artistic activities and those contributing to improvement of work conditions in the creative sector. In order to achieve that we have developed a model of educational system which would revive the tradition of educating artist craftsmen. Activities in the field of the media encompass diagnoses and analyses of the Polish media market, organising discussion panels for the representatives of the media sector and a think tank whose aim is to set out development perspectives for the Polish media market. In the field of film, we are planning to ultimately establish a think tank, organise workshops and training programmes, as well as support local film production.