Over the past few years Polish film industry has regained stability in principle functioning, mainly owing to the activities of the Polish Film Institute. Nevertheless, supporting creative work is still needed, as well as improving qualifications at all stages of production process, making film marketing and promotion more effective, and developing audiences competence. The starting point for implementing projects in those fields should be a thorough and comprehensive research document. An Analysis, Assessment and Setting out Growth Perspectives of the Polish Film Industry as an Element of the Audiovisual Sector can be such a document.
Our main objective is to supply public institutions and the audiovisual market players with comprehensive information about the current state of our film industry and to outline possible evolution scenarios. We would very much like the Analysis and Assessment to be of use to all entities functioning in the field of film and audiovisual production, so that they could plan their activities and prepare for the anticipated changes in the market dynamics.
The document consists of three fundamental parts: analytical, prognostic, and postulating (including conclusions de lege ferenda and recommendations for public authorities). The analytical part includes the description of the Polish audiovisual market, especially Polish film industry and audiovisual media. It shows market mechanisms working between the individual players and points out factors that have the greatest impact on that market. The analytical part also includes a description of binding legal regulations in Poland and the European Union, together with the most important problems and discussed legislative projects. The issues of media piracy and its impact on the creative sectors have also been taken into account. The prognostic part shows trends in the market development. The postulating part includes activities and conclusions de lege ferenda whose implementation would create conditions for a positive scenario of growth for the Polish cinema and all of the audiovisual industry.